Sunday 11 June 2017

Brzezinski's Technocratic Vision

My sources tell me that people like Brzezinski and Kissinger are just pseudo-intellectual veneer fronts for the basic divide and rule strategy of the ruling elite. This is why they look so inept when they snooker themselves with ideological reversals that faux intellectuals invariably provide a memory-wipe pass on.

That said, there's a more interesting technocratic element to Brzezinski's work which is worth reviewing in the interview above. The future seems less about FEMA camps and more about blue pill gamification chambers. 

Southampton | Home of the Titanic Conspiracy

The Titanic Conspiracy is fun to dive into because it's so multi layered, unexpected and fascinating.

There's a Federal Reserve creation element, freaky prescience, JP Morgan, shareholder in White Star Lines cancelling his ticket hours before embarking, the bizarre near miss collisions, the refusal by the Rothschilds to insure the ship, as well as the insurance scam between the Titanic and its sister ship The Olympic, which also had a collision in the same Southampton waters. 

It's a coincidence theorists wet dream and a conspiracy theorists nightmare, as it's very difficult to impose an overarching narrative on all the events which really start with the novel about the sinking of the Titan some 14 years before.

Thursday 8 June 2017

Death - It's a Part of Life

Yesterday my mother passed away peacefully at Southampton University Hospital after battling brain cancer for the last year and a half. I couldn't be more happier for her now that she is at peace and released from the struggle to draw breath. I want to thank all of you who have been so kind and supportive. You know who you are.