Saturday 26 November 2016

Miley Cyrus - Pizzagate & Hotdogs

Her MK Ultra credentials (whatever that means in 2016) are well documented with my first post on the subject going back to 2011. However last December I became interested in Miley Cyrus' stage, song and video work for about two months, till I figured out the message.

If we pay attention to her costume changes (nobody has ever done more) and the songs she sings there's a considerable amount of agenda and biography, with some touching moments of raw honesty like the song with her MK (victim) godmother Dolly Parton (just listen to the lyrics). Nashville is/was a centre for programming and I suspect that seeps out in Robert Altman's eponymous movie if we're paying attention to the plain weirdness and inconsistency of the characters in it.

Nevertheless, Miley's obsession with dripping-in-cheese Pizza, for a self proclaimed lactose intolerant, is self evident for its symbolism. Please note the top photo is doctored with Pizzas but its too good not to use. The original is over here.

Macauley Culkin & PizzaGate

Don't judge it till you've watched it. 

Pizza is nomenclature for child sex among paedosadists.

When a young boy or girl is anally raped the mix between blood and semen looks like pizza topping.

It's a simple and effective way to refer to degenerate tastes in way that wouldn't be recognised in normal use. 

I'll post the Miley Cyrus one next because the symbolism is just as troubling and her credentials as a celebrity puppet are well established.

Cuba's Fidel Castro, Former President, Dies aged 90

Not many people know that Fidel Castro was an actor in Hollywood before his rise as a revolutionary. It's also fairly likely that he worked for the CIA and therefore at some point walked away from them. This would explain the Bay of Pigs which was pointless as the US had a US Military camp at Guantanamo and still have to this day. 

It also seems reasonable to suggest that the reason for the CIA's hatred of Castro (and thus the United States' establishment) is because he turned on them. Fidel Castro was one of a handful of leaders who informed us that the US and Israel fathered ISIS (along with their MI6 mates and Saudi/Qatar money).