Tuesday 6 September 2016

A History of Violence

Superb movie making, with an end performance by William Hurt that is the cherry on the chocolate pudding to lift a quote from Professor Freedman's Early Medieval Lectures.

Monday 5 September 2016


For a long time the establishment (police, judges, lawyers) and their complicit criminals the corporate media tried to say Snuff Movies were conspiracy theories. Eventually The Guardian came clean they do exist, though like all unpleasant truths they only get said once while the 'theories' label is used for a long time. 

Anybody who has studied the sickness that dominates our leadership becomes used to the power they like to exercise over the helpless. There are occult reasons for this, psychological reasons, hierarchical and social reasons and straight up kicks but one of the most misunderstood is that it takes weakness to rape, butcher and murder a child on film.

Not to the Satanists. They see it as a sign of great strength that only the most strong are able to do it and that's why they occupy a disproportionate percentage of the power elite.

8MM is a journey into that story, though I am reliably informed that Nicholas Cage got his Hollywood break by doing depraved 'favours' and pimping children and prostitutes to Hollywood suits.

Maps To The Stars

If you like Hollyweird being box-cuttered to death, Maps to the Stars is the best I've seen yet. 

At the 38th minute Julianne Moore playing Havana Segrand experiencing visions of her mother asks John Cusack "Am I a multiple". It's the only popular reference I've seen to reality's dirtiest secret that mind control is used on a wide cross section of prominent society from celebrities, sports stars, Presidents and yeah if you wish assassins and intelligence operatives too. However most mind control is movie and corporate media programming. It's also very effective at that level and easy to prove.

It only gets a mention because Cusack's films are just enough, off the radar to get away with it but I'm grateful for it because each sliver of evidence builds a pointillist picture.