Friday 22 January 2016

David Rothschild

David Rothschild strikes me as a thoughtful and caring person. He understands that climate change is less of an issue than ecological harmony. The latter encourages a stable climate and it is this point I find the "for or against" crowd most tedious on.

However we are still faced with a troubling question(s). 

We know the ruling bloodlines use trauma based mind control on their own children and so it's impossible to determine if David's Ecowarrior, Traveller and Adventurer credentials are just one of many identities without spending any significant observational time in new world order to identify

.... if there are any inconsistencies such as loss of time, change of personality or any other indicators of trauma based mind control....

David has recently blocked me on Twitter yet the only question I've ever asked him is 'Does he know what a multiple is?". Probably very annoying if he doesn't and annoying if he does.

While writing this it occurred to me that if I had centuries of experience at mind control it would be easy to run the entire Rothschild clan under mind control with different personalities for generation ...

... after generation while the real power, the handlers, resided outside the immediate field of view. Just a thought and one I might develop in subsequent posts.

Thursday 21 January 2016

Pete Santilli

It's not widely understood that conspiracy researchers are the least homogeneous group on the planet. Scratch away the unifying idea that powerful people have no interest in consumers other than productivity, and conspiracy researchers disagree on everything. It's the consumers and voters of this world who think they are unique because 20 types of sliced cheese are on the supermarket shelf.

That said, from time to time an arsehole needs taking down and that arsehole is Pete Santilli. If the FBI are able to confirm that Santilli doesn't work for them in anyway shape or form I'd appreciate that but until then he's cooperating with them. Unwilling or not.

Wednesday 20 January 2016

Lynn Forester de Rothschild

There's a BBC Rothschild documentary on the net that reveals Lynn Forester de Rothschild's third husband Evelyn de Rothschild is not a staunch Zionist so we have mutual interests in this area unlike his cousin Jacob Rothschild who is staunchly Zionist and President of the Institute for Jewish Policy Research.

In this presentation Lynn asserts that the mobile phone population of the world in 2020 will be 12 Billion. Apart from confusing her employer's cellular phone business for a biotech company Lynn is clearly not so well grounded in her chosen presentation subject, but does appear to be disconnected enough to hold onto ideology more than facts. 

At the end of the presentation it's clear that she uses the word society instead of her intended word 'wealth' and I suspect conflates them to be the same thing. She's a handsome woman and too sincere to be aware of some of the darker topics associated with Rothschild Multiples but in my estimation she's not as learned in the power of printing money.

Third husband a Rothschild or not. 

You however can make up your own mind.