Wednesday 4 March 2015

Dark Side of the Moon - Apollo 11 Mockumentary

Back in 2011 I uploaded 100's of hours of quality research videos to Youtube and I was reminded earlier that my account was closed for scraping the above video from the now defunct GoogleVideos to Youtube.

The above mockumentary is amusing because it is a masterpiece of using humour to conceal what is very much in plain sight. In other words it's disinformation.

I haven't discussed the topic for a few years but it seems more people are receptive to the use of Hollywood trickery in selling the Apollo 11 moon landing which may have happened but the photography used is without hesitation studio photography.

If you never got to watch the documentaries on Google Videos I'm afraid your education will never have such a chance again to see videos that are now completely scrubbed from the net.

Saturday 28 February 2015

911 Hijackers Neighbours With Mossad

Video reports like this tend to get removed when I post them here so I can't be responsible for that when people complain in the future. The Israeli involvement in 9/11 is overwhelming when studied in its entirety. This video alone isn't enough, it takes a lot more fact checking for the individual to pursue alone.

Thursday 26 February 2015

CIA and Mossad Behind Boko Haram

It's a little simplistic saying Mossad are behind ISIS because the back story is somewhat more complex.

Everybody who is awake and fully concious knows that all round the world Transatlantic Governments make inexplicable decisions every day, that the sheep and gormless consumers put down to incompetence and blow back.

Well that's not quite what is going on. The real power is a transnational shadow government who use the politicians seen in the corporate media as a front. By the time our weasel leaders have shinned up the greasy pole of pseudo power positions they are so compromised their job is to make unpopular decisions and take the abuse heaped upon them. 

They are handsomely rewarded for it with gold plated pensions and a retirement with permanent security and lucrative consultancies. While in power they are surrounded by the people who tell them what to do including security agencies, corporations and banks. This is self evident to anyone who has watched Cameron at the UN reading out conspiracy theories speeches that are typed out for him to say Putin who can take questions from his people for hours at a time with no rehearsals, no script and no dissembling.

ISIS IS ISIL Daesh and whatever rebranded name they use while the mind wipes forget about Al Qaeda relies upon CIA funded Jihadist schools, special ops armed forces, Saudi and Qatar money and CIA, Mossad and MI6 training and direction.

It's a witches brew to quote Gordon Duff. David Cameron and his ilk are not politicians they are great actors. The quicker people realise this the sooner we can get on with building a future for people that has meaning and value.