Tuesday 24 February 2015

What Else Is Jack Straw Hiding?

Many of us have known for a long time that Jack Straw is a low life bullshitter. His latest escapade being caught taking money to influence policy is no surprise but if you want to watch the above video you can find out just how pernicious he is.

Jack Straw as Tony Blair's home secretary legislated to gag children from exposing their rapist predators. In the audio above you can hear him both denying it and failing to remember doing so.

Monday 23 February 2015

Citizen Four

I recommend the Oscar Winning documentary Citizen Four. It's better on a cinema screen but if you don't have access to that watch the online documentary above. It's extraordinary how much I had forgotten about the revelations of the NSA/GCHQ spying episode.

There are still question marks about some of the protagonists but all in all I think the players are authentic if not a little blind on some of the key issues of big secrets.

Sunday 22 February 2015

Chavez on Gaza

We live in a world where a great Statesman like Hugo Chavez was probably murdered by the CIA and to this day Venezuela suffers from regular coup attempts from the Neocons including Barack Obama and a stream of lies about his record are pumped out by the Zionist media.

These are the same people who lined up to weep and pay tribute to King Abdullah's recent death in Saudi Arabia.

This is not a world I accept and change it I will to the best of my ability.