Monday 5 January 2015

The Artist Taxi Driver on Establishment Paedophilia

The Artist Taxi Driver reminds us of some salient facts regarding the establishment paedophiles who are tasked with investigating themselves. You may recall that the Queen said nothing about establishment paedophiles in her annual speech. 

The reasons for this and other silences are obvious to the human that is awake and aware.

Sunday 4 January 2015

Gordon Duff & Stew Webb | Top Notch Interview

Gordon Duff admits that much of what he claims is disinformation, but you'd be making a mistake not to keep an eye on what he says because I too missed this interview and it's stuffed full of the sort information that even Gordon is reluctant to repeat too often.

I don't get the time to review everything I'd like to, but I'm often pinged links in Twitter and I invariably try to check out as much as I can. This is one of those links and it's worth putting an hour or so aside to listen to.

Saturday 3 January 2015

Mary Beard's - Caligula

If Caesar is the rock star of Roman history, Caligula is the Charles Manson. 

Real name Emperor Gaius, Caligula is the diminutive for Roman Boot so it actually means something like Bootikins and was the name the Roman soldiers called him when he was a child and walked around the garrison towns in his small Roman boots.

Mary Beard is an excellent presenter of information who talks to the viewers in simple language and in a direct, forthright manner. She's a joy to learn history from.