Sunday 14 December 2014

Operation Phoenix | CIA Torture & Murder of 80 000 Vietnamese

The CIA were heavily involved in heroin trafficking during the Vietnam war but while one arm was shipping the drugs back to the US another was systematically torturing and murdering vast numbers of Vietnamese in Operation Phoenix.

Is it not odd given the latest CIA torture report that the corporate media are not discussing this? There's much evidence to suggest that this operation was buried (once again by the CIA's control of the media, with the Pentagon Papers story.

Charlemagne | Holy Roman Emperor

I have a strong memory of visiting the spa town of Aachen with my girlfriend in the early 90''s and visiting Charlemagne's resting place in Aachen Cathedral. I was struck by how important this part of history was and yet how little I knew. Still, we have the internet now and swotting up on empire's history and piecing it all together isn't just rewarding, it's fun too.

Saturday 13 December 2014

Israel Supports ISIS

Israel along with their CIA mates and the Petromonarchy dictator states of Qatar and Saudi aided by Jordan (for training ISIS) and Turkey (for support) are behind all the terror groups in the world. Always have been and always will be. Some people can't process this information. Ignorance is bliss.

Meanwhile Syria is being illegally bombed by Israel and the hyena terrorists groups these psychopaths create are mauling a country. The UK and France rub their hands in glee.