Tuesday 3 June 2014

People Hate Science if it Forces Them to Question Reality

Pseudo sceptic and exterminationist Michael Shermer is up on rape allegations so his days of pimping the establishment line or taking on plucky myths like the Loch Ness Monster are over. David Cole has the recordings that prove Shermer is a man without honour who has made a tidy profit out of duping people who don't have enough time to do the science.

9/11 science is basic. Holocaust science is unambiguous, but people go nuts if you try to talk about science on heavily propaganized versions of history. They go back to posting I fucking love science visuals on their Facebook page. 

Saturday 31 May 2014

Obamas Bisexuality

I really don't have a problem with Obama's bisexuality or even homosexuality assuming those extraordinary (but scientific) claims about Michelle have a shred of truth in them. 

What I do get frustrated by is whether he is being blackmailed by the NSA who we know were tapping his calls long before he even made it to Senator.

Clif High - Web Bots

Clif High's web bots crawl the internet looking for anomalous changes in language that serve as precursors to future events. It sounds bizarre and most of his forecasts haven't yet worked out for me, but I'll never forget that it was his web crawlers that forecast Margaret Thatcher's death and that power outage of a Super Bowl a while back.

He's a really interesting geezer.