Sunday 14 July 2013

Love Is Blind

Love is blind - CFBT, a home for the blind with multiple disabilities in Thailand from Froggystyle

If you live in Thailand I'd be grateful if you could pass this around and share it. The Thai Version is here and the website for the Blind School is here.


In A Time of Great Deception. Telling The Truth Is A Revolutionary Act

Brother Nathanael is one of the funniest Zionist news deconstructionists on the net.

In a time of great deception. Telling the Truth is a revolutionary act

An Incredible Speech From The Young Girl Shot By USA Founded Taliban

17 years old Malala Yousafzai was shot by the Taliban in the face for being an activist on girls rights and education. Her speech to the United Nations is as powerful as Malcolm X or Martin Luther King. It's important to remember who sponsored the Taliban/Mujahideen against the Russians in Afghanistan. 

It was Jimmy Carter's National Security Advisor  Zbigniew Brzezinski as seen below.