Tuesday 4 June 2013

The Blackmailing, Pro-Paedophile, Pro-Zionist, Anti-Muslim MI5, MI6 & SAS Executioners

James Bond is a movie franchise to brainwash the ill informed British into thinking they are a charming force for moral good in the world. The reality is much more obnoxious. When the secret services are not raping young boys to blackmail politicians they are destabilizing innocent countries like Libya and Syria for the Globalists corporations, or handing over British lads to be tortured so they can "save" them in daring rescue missions and convert them to into spying on any group that isn't pro Zionist.

This explosive interview by Abby Martin of Russia Today lays it all out for the reality seeker to see for themselves. Ignorance in the information age is a lifestyle decision. 

Go ahead, take a drink.

Monday 3 June 2013

VIP Paedophile Whistleblower Ben Fellows Is Missing

It' s not looking good. Ben was the only living witness of the paedophile power elite. His wife is interviewed above.

The Lord Chadlington, David Cameron & Quiller Lobbying Scandal

Don't expect the corporate media to inform the public on GovCorp scandals. That's not how the game works. The corporate media's job is to stoke up division with Muslims and not ask obvious questions about things like the Woolwich attack. Be careful what you let your mind into contact with. 

Lord Chadlington AKA Baron Peter Gummer and his land deal with David Cameron is the parasite on the UK's blood system that is critically endangering the welfare of the country.