Tuesday 29 January 2013

The Gatekeepers - Six Israeli Security Chiefs Stun The World - Israeli Violence Killing Peace

I'm always slagging off the spineless corporate media like CNN and BBC so if I embed their content here on my blog, you better believe it's fucking well important. Christiane Amanpour is still a toady sycophant to Israel claiming only Israelis can say certain things (a Nazi thing to say if ever there was one) but she still lets the Israeli documentary maker of Gatekeepers have his say and it's not just two minutes of jack hammer editing bollocks either. This is historic and a little bit of proof that behind the scenes things are changing. It might be too late but this is the right thing to do. For Israel, for Palestine and for world peace. It's that important.

Update - The CNN clips have expired so I've replaced them with the above.

Pepe Escobar Is One Of The Top Ten Journalists On The Planet

I always learn something from Pepe. He pulls narratives together and sums them up in one line in ways that gives shape and meaning to things that confuse the hell out of me. He is excellent and is rarely on the corporate media because he's a real journalist reporting the news not de-contextualised propaganda.

WTF Is Sugru?

Fixing shit is far cooler than buying new shit and clogging up the Oceans, poisoning the rivers and generally degrading the planet. Buy Sugru or I'll kick you in the ovaries/nuts. Via Iain.