Sunday 14 October 2012

History Saved From The Shredder - Douglas Dietrich - Godlike Productions

I don't agree with all of Douglas Dietrich's analysis even if it's based on top secret records that he was responsible for document destruction of at the Presidio military base in San Francisco but there's no doubt his contribution is essential listening to those who are interested in learning what the official secrets he was charged with destroying over a decade are. 

In this GLP session he is interviewed by the unnecessarily verbose "27" character who to be fair does let him speak at length once he has shut up. There's a really funny moment too as Dietrich is not unlike Terence McKenna in so much as listening to him can be like taking a drug. "27" get's all excited and emulates Dietrich's impassioned manner only to hand over to a suitably sober and much slowed down interviewee who has cottoned on he's being mimicked  by the interviewer. That doesn't mean Dietrich doesn't return to form but it is a funny role playing moment.

These interviews are interesting at the very least and important at best.

The Ultimate History Lesson: A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto

These are absolutely top notch. 

The first part doesn't kick-off till the 17 minute if you want to skip the preamble. 

You wont be disappointed if you can settle into his Pittsburgh manner of talking. Well worth the effort. 

David Icke Has Been Talking About Jimmy Savile & Lord McAlpine For Decades

David Icke's latest interview (from the fifth minute) where he talks about the hard reality that Jimmy Savile procured children for the power elite and that goes right up to the royal family. Deal with it as you wish, brush it under the carpet, conspiracy smear the messenger but it's still there. This blog has stood behind David when it no longer became possible to pretend his research was groundless. It's not.

Update: Terry Wogan who ridiculed David Icke remained silent over children getting raped by Jimmy Savile. Unlike Terry Wogan David Icke published that Jimmy Savile was a paedophile. Terry Wogan now wants you to know he feels bad about saying nothing.