Tuesday 24 January 2012

John Lash: Sophia/Gaia, Rite Action & Eco-Sorcery

Nearly five hours of John Lash with the Time Monk Radio people who consistently ask the best questions from the best guests. I posted this before in fifteen minute segments, but as Awaken To The Truth have uploaded it in one go it's worth reposting and pointing out it's far superior to five hours of Wagner's The Ring Cycle.

I think the most important point he makes is how we prevent the psychos rebooting their systems after the impending breakdown. This is a crucial point if we're to avoid repeating the same mistakes.

Update: Original video taken down.

Rupert Sheldrake - The Science Delusion (Myopic Blindness In The Church Of Scepticism)

Rupert Sheldrake's use of the scientific method to map out our psychic abilities is irrationally rejected in the most unscientific manner by the church of sceptics who adhere to a fundamentalist religion as blind as the fiercest sects of the Abrahamic faiths.

His latest book The Science Delusion is selling very well in the UK and is to be released in the United States this May under the title Science Set Free. Stateside customers can order the UK version here.

Rupert's talk at Google is well worth checking out over here.

Big Oil & Corporate Vultures