Tuesday 30 August 2011

Jay Weidner - Kubrick & Those Apollo Moon Landings

A compressed twenty five minutes explaining how Jay Weidner figured out that the moon landings used front screen projection as a film technique (an allegation supported by Hollywood film technicians) and how he put two and two together to conclude that Stanley Kubrick with the help of top NASA scientists like Fred Ordway created the most realistic space scenes though not without leaving clues as to its veracity or otherwise.

William Henry - Lost Symbols

I like William Henry's research on Light Being's and Stargates but listening to his translation of Washington D.C. I'm unsure what kind of symbolism it would take for him to declare the Satanic/Masonic layout of the Capitol and that the apotheosis of St. George is an unusual, to say the least, representation of the founding father. I note he refers those same founding fathers as Rosicrucian rather than Masonic representatives at one point. Like he prefers to gloss over that point.

Sunday 28 August 2011

Bill Ryan Interviewed By Inelia Benz

A great interview of Bill Ryan, who is one of the more interesting people to emerge as a internet "star" and not through his project Camelot Interviews only. Well worth listening to, particularly those who enjoy a good Radio Four voice.