Thursday 28 July 2011

Terence McKenna - True Hallucinations

I've been doing a lot more reading recently and that included Terence McKenna's book True Hallucinations. I didn't find his writing as mesmerizing as his later speaking career though there are powerful insights into what exactly went on at La Chorrera in the Columbian Amazon. It's a tale worth exploring for the McKenna aficionado. I have an electronic copy if anybody wishes. 

One passage I've displayed above stood out prominently for me as I was struck at the description for McKenna's new found talents for holding large groups transfixed with his extraordinary speaking genius. Reading the words I couldn't help but conclude that there is no better description for Terence's loquaciousness but as a channelled talent.

Usually channelling relies on some sort of automatic writing but in this case it appears to have manifested as vocal ability. A poignant thought given McKenna's obsession with glossolalia and visual language. I still love most of McKenna's work and I'm pretty sure that Freddy Mercury was channelling something when he wrote the prescient lyrics to Killer Queen or that David Bowie was channelling when writing Star Man and I enjoy listening to Barbera Marciniak's channelling or reading Ship of Songs. If fact it's possible that all creative work or revelation is channelled so I guess there's some sort of obligation on the part of all of us to determine like a bad TV channel (FOX/SKY news for example) which TV station needs to be switched off before it poisons the mind. Now I think of it much of the population is in a trance with sporting, news and reality TV channelling distractions. I might expand on that thought later. Here's McKenna reading from True Hallucinations.

Amy Whitehouse - You Know I'm No Good

Meet you downstairs in the bar and hurt,
Your rolled up sleeves in your skull t-shirt,
You say "what did you do with him today?",
And sniffed me out like I was Tanqueray,
'Cause you're my fella, my guy,
Hand me your stella and fly,
By the time I'm out the door,
You tear men down like Roger Moore,

I cheated myself,
Like I knew I would,
I told you I was trouble,
You know that I'm no good,

Upstairs in bed, with my ex boy,
He's in a place, but I can't get joy,
Thinking on you in the final throes,
This is when my buzzer goes,
Run out to meet you, chips and pitta,
You say 'when we married",
'cause you're not bitter,
"There'll be none of him no more,"
I cried for you on the kitchen floor,

I cheated myself,
Like I knew I would,
I told you I was trouble,
You know that I'm no good,

Sweet reunion, Jamaica and Spain,
We're like how we were again,
I'm in the tub, you on the seat,
Lick your lips as I soak my feet,
Then you notice little carpet burn,
My stomach drops and my guts churn,
You shrug and it's the worst,
Who truly stuck the knife in first

I cheated myself,
Like I knew I would
I told you I was trouble,
You know that I'm no good,

I cheated myself,
Like I knew I would
I told you I was trouble,
Yeah, you know that I'm no good. 

A Dapking studio cut from the original demo that's so good it's worth posting despite Mark Ronson regrettably talking over the singing to prevent pirate copies being made. You may have to click through to the Youtube page as EMI obstruct the listener from listening to it.

Glimpses here of one of a handful of the finest vocalists ever with lyrics from another century littered with contemporary props.

Is Your Third Eye Open?

Debunking movies are by their nature so agenda driven, I find they're invariably pseudosceptical, hate filled and usually instructive of the authors neuroses. I like David Icke's message and I support his campaign to spark awareness of the depth of institutionalised ritual child sex abuse at the psychopathic top layer of society such as the Vatican and Balmoral. However this David Icke debunked documentary isn't malicious and is a must see for anyone scratching away at the rubble of disinformation in search of that spark of eternal truth which I increasingly believe is within us all and which so many different groups have a determined agenda to own and manipulate. 

I still support David Icke and this video does nothing to provide a concrete alternative but it's good to interrogate our beliefs whatever they are. If you don't know your Madame Blavatsky from your Ascended Masters this is probably not a good place to start. Or maybe it's the perfect place to commence the inquiry? One this is for sure. The elite levels of society are very familiar with all this information while ceaselessly spinning a scientific materialism story that many buy into because it's so limited and easy to grasp at a soundbite level. They say, if you can't measure it and repeat it then it doesn't matter. So why do they worship esoteric occult entities such as the very telling Hindu God Shiva doing her cosmic dance outside of the single most expensive piece of scientific kit on the planet. That's at the CERN large hadron collider.

As Dr. Joseph Farrel points out. Why would they use 'the destroyer of worlds' as a sort of agency mascot? Meanwhile the planet is largely Eyes Wide Shut with a truth hidden In Plain Sight.