Thursday 21 April 2011

The Apple SpyPhone

In an aged of increasingly aggressive policing, phantom terror alerts, media manipulation of Islam threats and ever closer security pat downs and random electronic scanning by the police I find it troubling that a log file has been discovered on the iPhone that isn't removable. Put simply there's no way to disable the logging of all your moves. Why would Apple do that? That's thinking very differently from how normal people think of each other. You've been warned.

Rough Sex Over Time

Latest data release from OK Cupid. Always useful data mining on their blog.

Timothy Good

This is the best interview I've come across in a couple of hundred hours of listening. The quality interviewees are becoming scarcer and so it's a real pleasure when somebody new emerges and pretty much endorses all the major points of credibility to date. He also throws in a few more tasty hooks I've not come across before and that have the all important ring of authenticity. 

I've learned that what was terrible last week can become essential this week (and vice versa) over the last few months so there's no point guaranteeing this interview but I just listened to it this afternoon before going for a run and now I'm going to listen to it again. Timothy Good gives the sort of interview that keeps me pressing on with my own investigations. Here's the full playlist link.