Sunday 9 December 2007

Tiananmen Square

No excuses for shooting it in Sepia or the hat and art direction in the photo ;)

Chinese Entrepreneurs

"Factory owner and millionaire, 35 years old, tells me that the road out in front of his factory he built with his own hands when he was in high-school. The local govt required all households to provide unpaid labor for specific lengths of the new road. His father was a teacher and away at school and his mother was over 40 and the only one home. So he had to miss much of one year of high school to fill the State-mandated labor quota. These are the type of people that you’re dealing with in China—you need to know that they can wait you out. They are not intimidated by your pressure. They know they can dump your product in the local markets if you back out. You need to understand that you’re probably not nearly as important to these many factories as you think you are." I have had clients think their Chinese supplier will never let them go and then have to pay a very steep price to learn otherwise.
By way of the excellent China Law Blog

Pure Theatre

Via Dead Insect

Saturday 8 December 2007

Beijing Pumps

I saw these after failing to find some lip balm as the cold and dry air here is harsh when it blows. Serendipity led to some window shopping and then ducking into the Adidas shop near the office. Sadly they didn't have my size. However, Alisha who I met last night gave me an insight into women and expensive shoes that is solid gold. I love my job I really do.

"The east shall shake the west awake
And ye shall have night for morn"

- James Joyce / "Finnegan's Wake"
America is not at war, the Marine Corp is at war. America is at the Mall

Brand Fusion - Adidas & Goodyear

Moxie and I were talking about exactly this idea in London. Expect more of this.

"The east shall shake the west awake
And ye shall have night for morn"

- James Joyce / "Finnegan's Wake"
America is not at war, the Marine Corp is at war. America is at the Mall

Can you guess the film? Search Charades!

And more.

"The east shall shake the west awake
And ye shall have night for morn"

- James Joyce / "Finnegan's Wake"
America is not at war, the Marine Corp is at war. America is at the Mall

Modern Beijing

I can't access my blog so I thought i'd try a post using other methods. This is modern Beijing. Like no other.

"The east shall shake the west awake
And ye shall have night for morn"

- James Joyce / "Finnegan's Wake"
America is not at war, the Marine Corp is at war. America is at the Mall