Monday, 6 March 2017

Jay Weidner Interview on the Archons, Kubrick & Rennes le Chateau

A little while back Jay Weidner was indulging in Alex Jones/Bill Hicks theories despite one being a short arse and the other over 6 foot. However he's back on form and even calling out the Zionist control faction which is a brave thing to do for a film maker. 

This discussion is excellent though one of the women has a high estimation of herself.

Friday, 3 March 2017

Orion, Aryan Connections, Suppressed Vedic History

Interesting conversation for people who eschew the fake MSM and their mastery at simply not mentioning the information that contradicts the pseudo reality pumped out by the change-is-not-coming-crowd. It is coming and faster than you think.

Any bets?

Donald Gay Trump

I quite like Donny Tiny Hands for one or two reasons, but mostly because his criminal activity is significantly less than the Clinton Crime Dynasty.

However I'm not expecting him to last too long and frankly I'm not invested in any politician.