Much of human conflict has been social engineering led by Jewish intellectuals steering the way. Marxism, Lenism, Trotskyism, Bolshevism, Neoconservativism and Zionism were led by Jewish intellectuals.
I claim the ZioAltanticist axis is the leading fascist power on the planet today.
A few years ago when I was studying the alien abduction literature such as Budd Hopkins, Dr John Mack and Karla Turner I concluded, like the Nobel winning Harvard Professor of psychology that it was real. However now that I've seen the connection to mind control experiments at Groom Lake, China Lake and Area 51 it's impossible to ignore that much of this activity including the MILAB subject is just mind control experiments using aliens as a cover story so the tortured and trauma victims are not taken seriously by the deeply flawed psychiatric profession.
I'm not saying aliens don't exist in fact it's preposterous and egocentric to think otherwise but I am saying the trauma based mind control information is too cogent, consistent and detailed to ignore; particularly the caged babies testimonials which are fragmented memories with survivors but much more detailed in Springmeier's work
Like the Apollo missions it appears much of American prestige is just smoke blown up our asses to cover for hideous human experimentation. It's also clear that the military industrial complex is just as freaked out when they can't account for stories that are not of their own making.