Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Citizens Arrest Of Google Car - Accused Of Spying

A Google Maps camera car was prevented from passing through a village in northern Thailand yesterday because the residents suspected the vehicle's driver of being a spy.

Dephrom Fufong, a 27-year-old Chiang Mai man, was briefly detained for interrogation when he drove his camera-mounted Google car into Phrae’s Song district. 

The villagers thought that the government had sent the car to survey the neighborhood for a controversial dam project, which has reached a stalemate as local residents strongly oppose its construction.

Dephrom was forced to swear in front of a Buddha image at the village temple that he had not shot anything in the area. He was then asked to leave.

Dephrom said he was given a letter issued by the village head outlining why Google wasn’t allowed to show the area on its Google Street View service, Mthai reported.

Monday, 12 August 2013

@Maddow Soaks It Up For The Establishment

Ultimately Rachel Maddow is a self-necrotizing establishment shill for the Pentagon. You may like her auto-cue reading recommendations for 9/11 such as the widely ridiculed 9/11 commission report and the 'easy to read' official comic book produced for brain damaged corporate media consumers. 

You might even not want to know the evidence if you're too busy with sports and celebrities to do the real work.

I find Rachel's (where have I heard that name before?) inability to criticize the warmongering Pentagon and the genocidal Zionists as obnoxious as anything FOX news pumps out.

I know people who love her. 

I think they're just as feeble minded as those who lap up the vomit Sarah Palin or Bill O'Reilly spit out on Murdoch's right wing propaganda channels.