Monday, 19 November 2012

The King & The President

On paper I have too many questions to be a devout Obama fan and I'm no Royalist either but this historic meeting between the longest serving King and the President of the United States gave me a good feeling. 

As far as I'm concerned the Royal Thai Army just got a fat American middle finger stuck up its dirty arse with a warning not to shoot peaceful Thai citizens with snipers ever again.


Sunday, 18 November 2012

Gaza Is A Massacre

Watching Israel squander the remaining sympathy for its suffering through the holocaust is an act of monumental blindness. 

It's not even an eye for an eye.

Does My Ass Look Big In This?

I would love Hillary's increasingly fat arse if for just once she spoke up for innocent Palestinian children being bombed by the Israeli Airforce to prevent them from getting Statehood at the UN. The photo is from the official State Dept Flickr page but unusually seems to be using an iPhone camera. Maybe it's more out of spite than flattery.