Thursday, 11 October 2012

Hillary Clinton Laughs About Possible War Against Iran

Remember, this is the woman who didn't have a single State Department sane voice around her to remind that allying with al-Qaeda in Libya was a high risk strategy. Later Hillary was shocked when the US Embassy took a hit. The interviewer is sycophantic by joining in as if his memory of Iraq has been erased.

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

They'e Chanting "The People United Will Never Be Defeated"

The Dinosaur media can't report this because it doesn't go well with the commercial breaks and the self serving profit mania narrative they support. It tells us what is really going on around the world, that the people are peaceful and the police are brutal and pretty much reverses the  artificial reality that the corporate world is so immersed in it will choke on itself.

This is why the internet is awesome.

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Bahrain Regime Paying CNN For Infomercials Masked As News

Award winning CNN reporter Amber Lyon had her documentary on Bahrain pulled because the lobbyists and PR companies are spending a lot of money to keep the Americanos brain washed that the torture regime there are 'reformers and all round good guys'.

Bahrain is a paying customer of CNN.

CNN, MSNBC, FOX and BBC are no different. Bahrain is the real revolution and the corporate media have thrown them under a bus because the US fifth fleet is using it to keep the oil flowing where they want it to.