Friday 11 November 2011

Terence McKenna - New York City, 29 April 1994

History is a race between education and catastrophe.

Do not consume.

Nothing comes unannounced.

Do not follow.

His New York Times obituary is here.

Stewart Swerdlow - Universal Truth Evolution

Great interview of Stewart Swerdlow by a couple of people who know what they are talking about so there's no naive jaw dropping or half hour introductions. Straight into the information and very good it is too. Some great explanations of time and timelines in this one. Stewart is a survivor of the Montauk Project.

How The 1% Take A 99% Cut (War Is A Racket)

Naomi Klein calls it the shock doctrine, David Icke calls it problem, reaction solution and it can also be called divide and rule or Hegelian dialectic. Either way it's very simple. NATO stirred up the war, NATO rides to the rescue with the solution. Then David Cameron did his Middle East arms sale tour followed by the RAF Tornadoes bombing the shit out Libya leaving this kids jaw hanging off.

Go back to sleep England. X-Factor is on the telly, footballs on later, and what goes around comes around is an old wives tale. Completely unrelated to the universal law of cause and effect. Let's just pretend that that Major General Smedley Butler never whistleblew that war is racket.