Wednesday 9 November 2011

Flood Evacuation Center For Foreigners


Jay Weidner - Kubrick's 2001 Space Odyssey, Moon Landing & The Archons

This is the first time I've come across

The interviewer is very pleasant to listen to and so this is a great introduction if you've not come across Jay Weidner's work. Find out why the Archons are envious of us and like our royal family bloodlines, have zero humour, zero empathy and zero art. 

Think about that. Think about what being human means. Think about that flag you wave at Royal Weddings.

Chinese Pensioners Trivialise Lady Gaga's Sexual Violence Glorification

It's hard to take the white-trash icons of smut-pop and sleaze-agenda seriously when Chinese pensioners are ripping it to shreds with grandma and grandpa mash-ups. 

My prediction? 

Lady Gaga's reputation is taking a last few swirls around the toilet bowl before disappearing with the turds where her corrosive imagery belongs. I have nothing against the woman (my suspect she's Monarch mind control) but everything against the system that deliberately tries to subvert young minds by pumping out 24/7 MTV sexualised-violence-glorification-trash like her videos.