Friday, 5 August 2011

Vote E.T. Before It All Goes Tits Up


Not many people know that Gene Rodenberry the writer of Star Trek channelled ideas for the show such as the Prime Directive. It's a universal law idea that prevents the intervention of higher form life without invitation. It was quite an unusual idea for it's time in a cold-war crew-cut United States. Maybe there's some truth in it.

So if benevolent E.T. is unable to intervene without our invitation then get your arse over here and vote for urgently needed new technology to clean the planet up and whatever model of iPhone ET is using. Or do nothing and don't complain if it all goes tits up ;)

Terence McKenna - The Jung Society

Recorded in 1991 at The Jung Society in Claremont, California, where he points out that Karl Jung and Albert Hoffman were both from Basel in Switzerland and the overlapping ideas they had.

Dr. Rauni-Leena Lukanan-Kilda & Anders Breivik Mind Control

I was very impressed with the last Rauni-Leena Lukanan-Kilda interview. I think she's Finnish and being interviewed by Red Ice Radio's Henrik who is Swedish and it's about the Norway tragedy so it's very much a Scandinavian blog post. Rauni-Leena was the first one who confirmed for me that fast acting cancer inducing drugs are used by intelligence agencies and so that helped explain a couple of premature deaths of whistle blowers I've been researching.

I'm still uncomfortable that there seems to be deliberate inconsistencies with the whole lone psychopath explanation. Deliberate is the bit that unsettles me.