Wednesday, 29 June 2011

James Horak - Revelations (Insights From An Outsider)

An hour long soliloquy, seemingly without a script and more than just a little 'winter of our discontent' in Shakespearean terms. 

John Lash - Contemporary Dementia, Sophia & The Organic Light

I've been listening to John Lash for a few days now. His message is quite unusual in so much as he makes bold spiritual claims in his talks. I stepped away for a few seconds while listening, and heard something crash in the next room immediately. I returned to see my speakers had both been thrown in splendid poltergeist fashion from their carefully positioned stereo sound placement. 

I thought to myself Lash was either saying something completely heretical or prophetic right at that moment so I set the player back a minute or two and re-listened. I wasn't going to post this audio as it's unlikely to be interesting to anyone but me, though as something threw my speakers down and broke one of the feet I'm spreading the word.

Peter Levenda - The Nazi Exodus To NASA

It should be a Freemason flag the astronaut is saluting but don't let that distract you from listening to Peter Levenda, yet another researcher who carefully lays out the Nazi exodus to NASA (and more) after the second world war. He makes the point that the Catholics worshipped in secret for 200 years after suppression because that's what real cults to. They believe. Peter also makes the connection between Kennedy's olive branch of collaborative space travel to Kruschev before being gunned down in his successors home state on a visit arranged by LBJ. I believe they call that a coup d'etat.

The in-joke among followers of this subject is that NASA stands for 'never a straight answer'.