Wednesday, 15 June 2011

James Horak - Just Because It's Nuts Doesn't Mean It Isn't True

I haven't done enough research to figure out what or if there's a catch to James Horak, so I wont mislead you with full-on high-weirdness evangelism just yet. I first listened to an  interview of him yesterday, and I will upload that mp3 file to Youtube when I've converted it to a movie file. 

I began to take James a lot more seriously stated that the moon is not in orbit at a random distance from the planet - it was put there. That's a classic neo Galileo thinking. A person who isn't afraid to stand up to the Vatican, or Wired magazine (otherwise known as cut and paste science) or whatever body holds a persons reality together more than their own intellectual clout.

I mention that because walking home from a run yesterday I realised there's a much better way of explaining the artificiality of the moon than I have achieved so far. My attempt invariably has people scratching their heads and attempting to change the subject.

It's fairly important because the entire edifice of mickey mouse materialist science begins to crumble if normal people realise that the scientific establishment is  either too stupid to figure out a doozy of a question or even just lying to us at a very basic level.

That prompts even more dangerous questions. 

I want to do an "artificial moon" explanation to web cam instead of writing about it because it's not rocket science if you excuse the pun. Anyone can figure out that the moon was carefully put into place if they are curious enough. Arousing that curiosity is the challenge. It's about asking a better question, but for the time being I've only got a better answer. So that will have to do.

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Occult Disney

There's more than just the inverted Pentagon and Satanic star in this clip, but I wont bore the uninitiated though I do ask the sceptical a question. If the Pentagon was going to choose a shape that said "eyes wide shut" because you're too stupid to get it anyway, what shape would it be, or what shape could it be? 

Oh I get it. 

You think the Pentagon is a force for good right

They wouldn't do it hidden in plain sight.

At ease Soldier.

Michael Tellinger - Remote Viewing

Most people don't believe remote viewing exists but five minutes online research will show that the military are the most ardent users of the method. Naturally the Pentagonal forces don't like to tell you about that because they've got a lot riding on a world sketched out for you which is 3D, non spiritual and exists only if you can touch it. How else are they going to sell a materialist message of consumption and nihilism if you find out they're into the occult more than you could ever imagine. Keep you stupid. That's how it works.

It's my belief that George Clooney took the role in The men who stare at goats as it opened up the subject even if he had to put a comedic gloss to get it into production so people weren't sure how serious it was. Well it's as serious as remote viewing the Pentagon's profitable killing locations and witnessing the bombings that go on while the remote viewer witnesses it. Some of them get off on it. Others are appalled.