Friday, 15 April 2011

The Smithsonian Syndrome - Nephilim Neurosis

I'm hugely sceptical of the scientific establishment's inability to challenge the orthodoxy and rewrite history. Time and again it's a lack of backbone and curiosity that is missing within an atmosphere of bland and supine, back scratching peer review academia.

The Real & Unelected Global Government

Vigilant citizen is on fire at the moment. Here's a seminal post naming and shaming the unelected groups that wreck chaos and misery across the world before riding in as faux knights to mop up the problems they create with ready made solutions (that profit them and their friends)

Y'all Hear Louis?

Louis Farrakhan holds back from sharing a few home truths like the breakaway civilisation 'get out of dodge' gang who using back engineered Roswell tech and US empire tax dollars, black budgets, black money and all the other nefarious dollar funnels have asset stripped the planet to play with their own backyard toys, but still it's about as blunt as it gets and it's only going to get blunter. 

Welcome to the 21st century. It's only just begun.