Thursday, 20 December 2007

iPhone Upgrade

Well, it didn't take long for China to crack out a new 'improved' iPhone with extra vibrating feature. I did see a girl using one in McDonalds this morning but now I'm sceptical if it was the real thing. This ties directly into Chris Anderson's Keynote speech on the topics of free and abundance at Nokia World just recently, and which is a must see video presentation over here.

Tip of the hat and thanks to Alvin for alerting me to this.

Lenovo Mobile Phone Advertising

There's lots I could say about this, but before the world screams "lame" take a closer look to the advertising that worked in the 60's and 70's in developed economies where media literacy was about the same as it is in China's cities. I posted about it over here. That doesn't mean I like this kind of commercial, it just means that everything is contextual. As those who know me are well aware of.

Looking for a Planning Director

We're looking for a Planning Director to work in China and run a department, but not directly for me. Which is probably a very good thing. If anyone has any suggestions please leave a comment or go to the 'about me' me section for my email. Japanese recruitment agencies might want to pick up the phone unlike these fools.