Showing posts with label soccer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label soccer. Show all posts

Thursday 11 May 2023

Stay Crispy Avec Matt Le Tissier sponsored by Gary Lineker

I swear I'm not going to bore the shit out of thee for once. It just resonated and I had one of my 'feels' with very little to go on, and subsequently to support my gestation of a new conspiracy theory. To take our minds off the old ones.

The last March days of Lineker are merely the end of a gestation is imminent... Any day now... a new start will begin and playing for England in 1966 will be racist. The nation state no longer useful as a means of control.  This is hybrid warfare doctrine. 5GW is military nomenclature.

Gary can eat crisps and banter such fancies as there's no such thing as a woman or even the nation state. He may or may not be right on this. He can say what he likes.
Apart from country solitude walks, there's not that much free speech worth listening to. It increases in price, the more powerful and influential it can become..

Sometimes freely articulated thoughts are priceless.


It's synchronicity (or synchs for short) and some will extend it into synchro-mysticism which it well deserves because we know the factuality, but we don't know the how or its method of actualisation as it were. This applies a lot more than is currently assumed in the public domain.. perhaps in part to our collective hubris and manufactured ennui with our ancestors but never their suspicions. Our descent into heavier density in other words.

I had a feeling that the signifier was much more solid than the signified. Despite being unsure, I at least felt for certain I was clueless and incapable of seeing what could be next, and yet I was obliged to 'press on' despite (imo) the Sadducees looking less cheerful than the Pharisees (or was it the other way round?). Just riddles, it's a simple story and can be explained to the common man if so wished.

I wanted to know where the wandering Jesus Christ Superstar haters changed their Thomas Cook travel chequers and where the shekels for the travellers' cheques in the temples might upset the table turner. Also while we're on the subject are we using the Geneva Bible or are you translating for the KJV on someone elses crucifixion?

He claimed in one of those chest-swelling followed by beating, and later on... unashamed pearl clutching moments, but that in order to manifest the appropriate gravity, a bit of chin stroking, would act as an emolument... as if it were all just some storm in teacup as it were.

The boys and girls at The Rest Is History dragged Gary on and I listened not because he confirmed my biases that he's a shallow regime mouthpiece. I listened because he's funnier and cleverer than I expected, but much more anomalous, and again I couldn't have been a hundred times more wrong; very likable (affable if you wish), interesting, humbler than I anticipated and witty. His story about cup ceremony training in Russia with Putin and Maradona is a gem of a story and hilarious.

Everyone was slagging Gary off back in March, just as I was getting to know the fella. 

Bad timing. Hits everyone at some point.

He is fearless in a cocky way, and invoices multimillion contracts to many of the countries he has worked in and for, while insulting them before during and after the event he is hired if we're paying attention.

Obvs I don't condone that activity in public but privately, I mean, he has a richly insightful wealth of expertise from a life of flitting in and out of the global celebrity milieue of 3rd millennium sporting legends, but when he has an hour or so, to talk about life, he's worth listening to.

Most servants and recipients of the regime are dull. Gary Lineker is a world class globalist but one a conversation can be had with. It wouldn't be like drinking with Kissinger and Schwab at The Dorchester. It would be much more wide ranging and funnier. Instructive too? Only time can tell.

Are Borrusia Dortmund's colours yellow & black and what about Quatar?