Sunday 19 February 2023

Fact Checking William F. Buckley

I just tried to use Microsoft Citations. It didn't work as hoped and I'm too weary to verify the quote, but just in case you're unsurprised that claims Ronald Reagan wrote it, let me share you this.

Ronald and Nancy commissioned Edmund Morris to be the official Ronnie Reagan biographer, and they didn't like what he wrote, so they fired him and he still published with Random House.

The book is called Dutch, and Morris makes it clear that Reagan went into every meeting with cue cards, even if only one or two other people were present. This suggests that the article he wrote for HUAC hearings might have a been scripted but I'm open to any fact checkers on the entire topic.

It's a Doozy

Embarrassing update. I vaguely recalled that Buckley claimed to be Catholic so, I checked it out and he was so technically Buckley was not a WASP.