Friday 30 December 2022

Is BALENCIAGA the Jingle Jangle Jewellery of Luxury Brands?

Kim Kardashian and every other luxury marque don't have to distance themselves from the brand because the media are reluctant to  join the dots up, as it's revenue income for them. 

It's just a salary baby.

I thought I'd leave it a bit and keep my eye on the situation, but I see people are protesting around the world in BALENCIAGA stores.

Also, if you go on Facebook Market Place even the conspicuous consumption normies don't want anything to do with the product.

They do want to to recoup their newly woke anti Brand morality losses by flogging them second hand or even new as unwanted presents online. Go check if you need a red pill.

Also don't let me influence your opinion. Go to Twitter and put BALENCIAGA in the search box (Elon is still censoring so I can't guarantee it will be there forever like the 15 minute Oxford, Paris and Cambridge travel restriction zones which has now been scrubbed).

Crickets all round the world except in our world class social media sites.

Their greatest fear?

Public Awakening.