Wednesday 23 November 2022

Amyloid Protein Material

Back here I referred to the white fibrous structures because we didn't know what they were. I've just watched the full "Died Suddenly" documentary from the trailer I used in the same post. I've been informed the white clots are called Amyloid Protein Structures and are characterised by a fibrillar morphology.

The documentary is only available on Twitter at the moment but there's a full screen option so it's no difference to entertaining yourself to death on NETFLIX.

On the negative side two people close to me have vaccine injury and it's not looking good. On the positive side, in a genetic sense, the world will be hugely diminished of conspiracy deniers in the future.

They'll be dead (many of them) so they won't have learned the final lesson. 

They'll have to come back and repeat.

Google have started to restrict the search findings for "Died Suddenly".

Do I have to spell it out what the average sentient being should do?