Monday 7 February 2022

Soon They Won't Be Able To Walk The Streets - Sir Keir Starmer

The leader of the opposition, Sir Keir Starmer was the only MP to have been invited to join the Trilateral Commission along with Jeffrey Epstein, and the person with the most telephone numbers listed in Epstein's black book, Lord Peter Mandelsons was also a trilateral member.

Sir Keir Starmer was head of Public Prosecutions when the two investigations into Sir James Savile were dropped. The arseholes who parrot that in his defence he was not the reviewing lawyer involved in the case are clueless.

What was he doing? Ordering paperclips?

Sort yourselves out dimwits.

Starmer made the decision to prosecute Julian Assange and ignored prosecutions into the largely Pakistani driven grooming gangs in Rotherham and elsewhere.

You navel gazers seemingly don't understand. 

It's not a coincidence... it's a requirement to get in power.

Update: It now seems certain that the theatrics were organised by Starmer or his subordinates in order to exploit sympathy and leverage the reminder Boris Johnson made of Starmer accepting responsibility for Savile's non arrest.

The first clue came from George Galloway who reminded us there's a private tunnel route which is both safer and well used and known by Westminster. Why didn't Starmer use it?

Then this