Monday 7 March 2011

Solar Flares, Crop Circles & Earth's Magnetism

This latest video from NASA doesn't add too much to the message but I want to show it in comparison to the interests of corporate media.

Neat hair, good studio makeup, opening line concludes with a comforting "they say" despite interviewing one of the top physicists in the world, glib comparisons to Y2K (an event I celebrated in a nightclub with no concern for the future) and finally the presenter diminishes a serious warning to a throw away line that if his Blackberry goes down for a few days that would be OK. 

The earths magnetosphere is  changing rapidly and while that does change the way we should treat solar flares  with this recent monster the best example caught on video it's more important when it comes to ideas of pattern recognition with polar shifts which I will talk about separately.

The Sun is emerging from an unusually deep sleep the Sydney Morning Herald reports today. That's putting it mildly if it precedes an unusually wild awakening.