Friday 13 January 2023

Republican Melts & The Evolving Science of Gas Ovens

Shake it don't break it CFXAOC

Literally the funniest thing a politician has ever said. AOC the person depicted here is adorable. You can tell her I said that. I would in a heartbeat and it's mostly psychobabble but is it too funny to be accidental?

I'd like to know

Thursday 12 January 2023

Matt Hancock Crying About The Holocaust

If only Andrew Bridgen MP had made six trillion pounds out of the poisonous Moderna injections like Rishi Sunak through Theleme Hedge Fund has. That gravy train rolls on and will continue to make genocidal profits with their 600 billion pound mRNA factory being built in the UK. Would Andrew then be crying like Matt Hancock did live on TV, over the Pandemic wiping out more people than since William Shakespeare? Mr Bridgen is vaccine injured and on medication for life so there's that.

Yeah that's right, the first person scripted to be 'vaccinated' was called William Shakespeare (all the worlds a stage) and he died a few months after the jab from a stroke which is in the top three side effects. He was an old fella but we can't say the jabs saved his life or diminished the side effects of his death, so I think we can safely say it's an area of concern.

Andrew Bridgen MP spoke to an Israeli cardiologist who compared the injections as seen above, and when Andrew shared that information on twitter it gave the snouts in the big pharma trough an electric shock, as we all know who the concentration camp guards are in Westminster, Big Pharma and the legacy media.

However, Rabbi Alon Anava said it even better. I urge you to listen to him dropping red pills in the country that is going to be decimated the most from untested injections. That country is Israel. 

Wednesday 11 January 2023

Mission Aborted

I was five, and he was six
We rode on horses made of sticks
He wore black and I wore white
He would always win the fight

Bang bang, he shot me down
Bang bang, I hit the ground
Bang bang, that awful sound
Bang bang, my baby shot me down

Bang Bang by Isabelle Vaughan Spruce