Tuesday 30 August 2022

Spit Balling (Just Another Hypothesis)

Years ago, at work, we'd just won a new global client. 

I don't recall why, but I was being vocal and a bit too candid. The client, a female, overheard me and without any aggression said 'opinions are like assholes, everyone's got one'.

Maybe that's why they made me get up front to get the energy going in the conference room. Dancing is one of my favourite things so not the hardest corporate task I've been burdened with.

So yeah, this is just an opinion.

When Mar-A-Lago was raided by the FBI and you know, accusations of evidence being planted, and evidence being carted out, yadda yadda yadda.... well, It struck me as resonant of a line from the past.

It's just a theory. 

Surely the Feds aren't that stupid?

Monday 29 August 2022

Send In The Clowns

The masks were never about health. Everyone knows you isolate the sick not the healthy. 

So many gagging to do what they are told and take photos of their compliance to show off on social media.

Wait till the injection punchlines kick in if they haven't already. It's plural because there's a whole smorgasbord of toxicity.

We did try to tell you. It's not as if it was an easy task to do. You had celebrities, the media, politicians and even academia and so called scientists in hock to big pharma all ridiculing us with literally nothing in it for us except your well being.

Wednesday 24 August 2022

Marshal McLuhan - Secrets

The tenth anniversary of the video above will be with us in a few months. I appreciate that the clip's play button requires two clicks instead of one but its brief and impossible to find on Big Tech platforms (even if I could embed it, this is what happens).

Watch the guy (I know his name but it's unwise to use it here) closely before he walks to the microphone and then observe the change as he makes his media announcement about the slaying of his daughter the day before. Most people can't wrap their heads around this, but the reveal is deliberate. I've explained it (for new readers j.mp/revelationofthemethod), because without that knowledge the magic tricks the viewer into very powerful post-rationalisation.

The image files I wanted to use for this post, have been removed from my devices so this post will be shorter until I dig out the offline storage evidence.

This information should be valuable for people interested in reality, because a superior diagnostic for proving claims in this field are not the lies or errors invariably present in any high profile planned deception.

It's the omissions.

These are the things that should without exception be present at events that by their nature have extensively detailed and strictly-enforced procedural responses; these are subject to intense oversight by dedicated specialists trained to support first responders at mass casualty events.

I can provide more than one example, but none of that matters to normies. Chest beating and wailing for gun control is the desired knee jerk response after every staged mass shooting. That's the purpose of these events, and you and I are going to witness why huge efforts were made to disarm Americans in recent years.

How can I be so sure? Well, many gaps in knowledge, unanswered questions and nagging doubts have been answered since the covid scamdemic landed on our plate in 2020. There's been a lot of Ah Hah moments of late, so the least a normie can do is revisit one old crime scene while the guards are distracted. 

I remember the phone call into the podcast (I'm fairly sure it was Professor Emeritus James Fetzer's) when we learned this information. 

What a doozy. 

It was a woman who knew the procedures for documenting, preparing, sampling and then cleaning the blood at crime scenes, before disposing of the potentially infectious hazard that spilled, squirted, sprayed, dribbled, oozed and dripped from the 26 people, 20 of whom were children, that the coroner attended to that day.

She called the authorities in Connecticut and asked a simple question.

What happened to the blood?

No answer could be found and no paperwork exists to prove one drop was ever spilled cleaned up and most importantly safely disposed of. What about the coroner you ask? Well, he doesn't do breathing exercises that actors use before getting into character like the Gentleman above.

There's a huge omission happening right now about the plandemic.

All the people sick and dying are vaccinated.

You're not silly. You  know exactly how it works... if the unvaccinated were keeling over, the media would be doing the Macarena with a Mexican wave and blasting it from the rooftops - smug as you like and giddy about peddling more injections for big pharma.

Italics mine - It's not a vaccine. It's an experimental injection with all sorts of nasties and a great sterilizer.