Sunday 12 February 2017

How To Play With The G Spot

I've been writing about this for a long time. Back in 2011 I noticed all the really cool information was being scrubbed from the net and the G Spot was the worst offender. I'm only interested in communicating with woke people so from now on I'll be playing the G Spot game and referring to things using language that will make sense to switched on people and circumvent the Digital Maoism we were once warned about. Clif High of Half Past Human explains the background to this situation in the video above.

I notice his website is already G Spot bombed and about 5 places lower ranked than it used to be. 

MKULTRA - Survivor Cathy O Brien

Under interrogation, Cathy O'Brien's testimony doesn't hold up as well as some uninformed interviewers and commentators would like, but that's to be expected by someone who has had their mind smashed with dissociative programming techniques.

The broad thrust of her testimony on George Bush Sr, Gerald Ford as child rapists stands up and then her mentions of Mitt Romney's father is exactly the sort of info that surfaced when Ted Cruz's father was connected to the JFK assassination during the Trump Presidential race.

I've been blogging this information for years and it's only now that people are beginning to understand that trauma and pain are the most powerful programming techniques though it's thought newer techniques are now in use. One need only watch Kanye flip flop from week to week to see the programming break down.