Monday 4 April 2016

Terror Hoax Predictive Programming? Euro 2016

I don't like making predictions but that Euro 2016 cup has all the sigils and Owl symbolism I'd need to avoid paying good money for a false flag attack spoiling my expensive spectator sport entertainment enjoyment. 

Choice is yours though.

Sunday 3 April 2016

Brussels Bombing Causes Head to Shrink

C'mon. What kind of pin head could swallow triple terror victims, CIA Mormons, 3rd Degree Burns yet flown to Utah after a couple of days and a shrunken head to boot?

Moon Sun Observations: 31March 2016

I've been studying the phases of the moon for a number of years and it doesn't make sense to me. While I don't necessarily agree with all the conclusions of Flat Earth adherents, they are the only people asking questions that the science religion of NASA cannot answer.

I've also noticed that the NASA media show is also very sensitive to this shift in consciousness.