Saturday 20 December 2014

Dhiyaa Al Musawi - Bahraini Intellectual & Writer on Arab Regressiveness

A must listen on how keeping people stupid foments Islamic religious extremism. As Dhiyaa Al Musawi,explains "When they get religion, they stop smiling". 

This is a full on attack against the forces of darkness in Islam across the Arab world. 

The religious nutbags who have a hatred for enlightenment and learning. 

There should be more Muslims standing up and calling out the people who want to wind the clock back to the dark ages.

Friday 19 December 2014

Parliamentary Child Abusers Make Face Sitting Illegal

Anyone else shocked at the chutzpah of a corrupt, debased and venal British parliament making face sitting illegal in adult videos and photography? 

These are the same people who have the highest number of child abusers in a single profession outside of being Royalty.

Powerful Programming

The illusion of local TV is that it isn't tightly scripted by one of the 6 corporations that own the media. This video clip should dissolve that illusion and prompt the thinking person to factor in how powerful TV programming is when it comes to creating monsters out of nothing and pimping wars that are unnecessary except to the military industrial complex and the 1% they are there to protect and create profits for.

Here's another example that I've blogged in the past.