Monday 8 September 2014

Former US Marine Corp Ken O'Keefe

Ken O'Keefe's Reality check for those who haven't heard of Major General Smedley Butler. Coincidentally this speech by a former SAS veteran came up in conversation today.

Saturday 6 September 2014

Fargo - 1996

Fargo is another first class movie by the Coen Brothers from way back in 1996, when cops didn't shoot people for fun, beat up women or do steroids before jerking off in the mirror wearing paramilitary gear and watching snuff movies.

This movie is worth watching for the art direction and soundtrack alone. The homely American types portrayed in this video can still be found in the USA's less populated regions, but by and large they tend to get their information from the corporate media so they're charming but increasingly brainwashed about Muzlims, NATO, Israel and all the usual suspects the military industrial complex needs to demonize and smear.

Unusually Steve Buschemi isn't the best character in the movie though at the time he was one of the most well known.

Friday 5 September 2014

Anna Baltzer - A Jewish American Female's Perspective on Palestine

Anna Baltzer, a Jewish American does an excellent job of sharing the learnings she made travelling around Turkey and then living in Palestine. The International Women's Peace Service has done an excellent job of bringing this female perspective to the suffering of the Palestinian people. 

I wish more women could take an interest in this subject and I applaud all Jewish people who make that effort as there is much pain involved in discovering reality.