Sunday 26 January 2014

Scarlet Johansson's Blood Bubbles

Scarlett Johansson is Ashkenazi Jewish so to be fair to her she probably doesn't give a shit about the IDF using Palestinian kids for sniper practise. That don't make it right though.

Sandy Hook Debate - Professor James Fetzer & 'Investigative' Journalist Keith Johnson

Current News Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with AFP Radio Network on BlogTalkRadio

If I was challenged to a debate about Sandy Hoax™ I'd make sure to read Professor Fetzer's article "Top Ten Reasons Sandy Hook was an Elaborate Hoax" defining the irrefutable question marks about Sandy Hook. Regrettably Keith Johnson didn't do that so he relies on the ad hominem and presumably an article he has yet to write but which nobody has yet seen with points he raises in this debate.

It's evident he's more interested in defending a position than researching claims.

We're not quite sure what the full story is on Sandy Hook but it's clear that the media and crisis actors were an organized part of the equation. 

I recommend watching Sofia Smallstorm's deconstruction of the event either before or after this debate, which is moderated by Dave Gahary of American Free Press.