Monday 4 November 2013

Jim Douglass - America's Trauma & Deep Denial of the JFK Assassination

We learn from this presentation that Jim Douglass went to school with Leon Panetta who was Secretary of Defence after a stint running the CIA. 

He was given Jim Douglass' book, The Unspeakable, about the establishments murder of JFK. and so we are left wondering if he actually really does have a clue, unlike most CIA directors appointed these days, who seem to be unaware that the covert operations groups are the people keeping the official CIA in business.

Sunday 3 November 2013

JFK - The Directors Cut by Oliver Stone

If you haven't seen this seminal movie by Oliver Stone, it's still as fresh today as the first time I watched it. Kevin Costner's role as Jim Garrison is flawless and spell binding. I recommend you watch it even though we now know the Zapruder film was doctored and that the mob/mafia connections to JFK's murder were a whole lot less than the CIA. 

However the broad thrust of the film is accurate. It is still important because the people who organised the President's shooting that day are still in charge. 

Dick Cheney is the Allen Dulles of his day. There's no difference.

The Making of JFK - Oliver Stone at the National Press Club

A friend of mine made a big Asian commercial with Oliver Stone a while back, and I recall him telling me that the CIA were still persecuting him over 20 years later for making JFK. I recommend this National Press Club presentation and Q&A because Oliver Stone has changed over the years but at this time he was really in the spotlight for shaking up the country and the context is brilliant.

Please note, we now know the Abraham Zapruder film was doctored, other than that most of the information is still on the money.