Wednesday 27 February 2013

Richard Cottrell on Operation Gladio

Operation Gladio is the gift that keeps on giving. A story the corporate media ignore but which gets bigger by the day because of the reality dividends it yields. We get NATO, CIA, Pentagon, False Flag, Synthetic Terror and the whole house of cards comes tumbling down with the coincidence theorists totally and irreversibly humiliated for the rest of their lives. You're either at the front of the train or the back. Choice is yours.

Tuesday 26 February 2013

Monday 25 February 2013

SocioPalin - You Betcha

Apologies for the vulgar gif but it was the only one I could find and I can assure you that Palin's surface is something she pays great attention to but not so much on the substance. This is a much watch documentary by Nick Broomfield who I've blogged before. His Kurt Cobain documentary is fairly conclusive in my view of confirming that Courteney Love had a hand in killing her husband. For the money of course.