Tuesday 27 November 2012

Carne Ross: Pimp Diplomat

Carne Ross gets it. A little bit confused by 9/11.

After 15 years in the British diplomatic corps, Carne Ross became a "freelance diplomat," running a bold nonprofit that gives small, developing and yet-unrecognized nations a voice in international relations. At the BIF-5 conference, he calls for a new kind of diplomacy that gives voice to small countries, that works with changing boundaries and that welcomes innovation.

Update: Carne Ross is a warmonger pimp egging on death in Syria.

Carne Ross’ International Diplomat (ID) reports to Najib Ghadbian, who co-ordinates the SSG. According to Ross’ firm, with SSG he will: “meet with key officials and desk officers in the State Department and other U.S. agencies to gather their views [on the Syrian civil war] … and advise the Syrian Coalition how best to tailor their own approach to the U.S. Government.” The acknowledged (thanks to Wikileaks) State Dept. funding of a Syrian opposition dates back to at least 2006. Ross started to advise the ‘National Coalition of Syrian Revolution and Opposition Forces’ at the point were concerns were publicly raised that the rebellion was “being hijacked by Islamists linked to Al Qaeda” according to the New York Times.  But the rebellion has never really been in the ascendency, nor has its rebels been homogenous: in 2012, when the US blacklisted the Al-Qaeda-linked group Al-Nusra Front in Syria, the measure was initially criticized by the opposition. Of his firm’s role Ross was quoted as saying: “We’re not lobbyists, we’re an advisory group.”  But he openly advocates intervention, arguing that similar fears of a perceived Islamist threat were used to justify non-intervention in Bosnia two decades ago.  This was parroted by Johnathan Freedland in the Guardian (seemingly before Ross was hired).  Ross’ other pronouncements in favour of escalating the conflict, include the inflamatory ‘Let’s call Russia’s bluff on Syria,’ also in the Guardian.  Independent Diplomat, as a private firm, clearly perceived an opportunity to shakedown the émigré groups that would emerge and be supported by the West.

Paedophilia In The British Establishment & The BBC Cover Up

The baby is too small and the bath water is so large it's time to breakup and sell the BBC

It's effect on the British is so toxic its defenders are unaware of what they stand for. 

Propaganda and defending the paedophile power elite. 

It's just not cricket.

Thursday 22 November 2012

Israel Created Hamas

Ben Swann continues to do the kind of journalism that the corporate media dare not do. Is Hamas an Israeli created 'countergang'? Find out because creating the opposition is as old as the hills.