Wednesday 29 February 2012

Navy Seal Commanders Withdraw Sex Party Privileges For Refusal To Kill

Mainstream media doesn't want to deal with it. Neither does the public. Yet.

Bill Brockbrader Interview On Wolf Spirit Radio

There's nothing like listening to a group of people who have all had incredibly similar experiences to grasp that this is real. It's beyond the capacity of most people to digest and so I post this knowing it will take its time to unwind and do its work. However the toothpaste is out of the tube and it's never going back in. Bill Brockbrader is the real deal. An American Hero. Nice guy too.

Tuesday 28 February 2012

Free Energy - Hydrogen From Water

There's a ton of this stuff on the net but as I've gotten to know Bill Brockbrader's character from listening to his testimonial on other matters I'm confident enough to post these as further evidence that the metered energy game of fossil fuels is rigged, as are the wars that prop them up. 

I'm going to do my homework now as I want to have my own unit providing free electricity or at least know how to build one from scratch. All the details are available online here.