Wednesday 19 October 2011

Does E.T. Smoke The Good Stuff?


Probably not but at least we now know they're into filthy dirty sex. It would be interesting to know what Alex Collier thinks of this interview as much of it correlates with his information so it's either lifted or corroborates. 

This is the third interview of Tolec I've posted and the first one is here. The Andromeda Council website is over here and (being somewhat sceptical) I urge the Andromedans to call Pizza Hut and familiarize themselves with the entire menu as a precursor to understanding human beings and coming to the rescue and rescuing the entire biosphere.

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Is @AlecBaldwin A Two Faced Credit Card Pimp?


I quite like Alec Baldwin's interaction with people on Twitter but I find his support for Occupy Wall Street followed by his subsequent ill informed and patronising advice at odds with his credit card commercials pimping.

Barack Obama & Likeable Liars


It's getting dangerously close to that point where if Barack Obama has been playing with a poker face then he needs to reveal his hand and show us what he's been doing behind the scenes other than a mediocre presidency. Failing that I'd rather see him turfed out of the Oval after one term for lying through his teeth. Under no circumstances should the #OWS movement trust anything he has to say as he must now be judged on what he does, and time is running out on that score.

Some days I'd rather see an honest to God psychopath like Palin or McCain running the show because then at least you know where you stand. 

Let's see. 

Dylan Ratigan is one of the handful of media commentators who has the integrity to call shots on both sides. Not many of those left.