Tuesday 4 October 2011

Alex Putney Interviewed By Time Monk Radio Network

I missed the polymath genius of Alex Putney the first time round when I listened to him being interviewed by Red Ice Radio but not any longer. I've never heard anyone handle a greater diversity of questions with so much intelligence and depth than in this interview. I think I've listened to it three times already but there's still so much knowledge in it I will have to go back and listen again. 

Neo-Renaissance man comes to mind. 

Interviews like this force you to know and awful lot of emerging information just to realise how little you know when a real expert turns up to work. However the Time Monk Radio questioners are among some of the most savvy and esoteric-literate people on the net. Great interview.

Santos Bonacci - Roman History & Astro Theology

Skip to the 8th minute to commence this playlist without weathering the worlds most bloated radio intro. Santos Bonacci serves up a lot of fresh information in this interview though he sometimes has a tendency to hector like teacher to make his point. Somewhere along the line he picked up some bad habits on how to share information. Just talk normal Santos. We get it.

Monday 3 October 2011

We Are The 99%

It's the context that makes this interesting enough to post as it resonates with the the current protest slogan and/or tweet of 'We're the 99%' resounding at #occupywallstreet and large cities around the world. I think the intellectual space for commercial messages that illuminate our collective aspirations like this are are possibly one of the few ways forward if something as disruptive as say zero point energy emerged from the vaults of Lockheed Martin Skunkworks or wherever oil busting technology goes to die. 

Otherwise there's no real case for branding. Utility prospers over competitive volume control in egalitarian cultures where supply and demand as well as price parity and quality kind of level out the need advertise. And believe me given the extraordinary lengths big oil corporations have taken to suppress energy technology, I'm convinced that free energy, levels a lot of playing fields.

Anyway I thought I'd ramble a bit because the ad has so little to do with Whiskey drinking but is a lovely idea. I got it over at George Parker's blog which is worth following for the straightest shooting corporate commentary on the net and that's not bullshit. Not bad for a gnarly old ad whore.