Friday 1 April 2011

Scratching The Surface

Via We Must Know


Incentives that champion frugality, save business money and rewards employees for the process? What's not to like about that? Via John Grant.

Bohemian Grove vs Bilderberg All Stars

There was a time before The Guardian exposed the Bilderberg Club as global corporatists suspiciously and excessively protecting privacy with intimidation and violence, that people would wheel out the tired and ill informed conspiracy epithet. Not any more. The attention on the Bilderbergs is scrutinised more closely now, and attendance is dropping under the glare of transparency. Davos has lost it's shine too I've noticed.

So is Bohemian Grove the new Bilderberg Group? It's a bit more exclusive, all male, heavily American centric and once again loaded with ritualism, symbolism and ceremonial sacrifices with powerful men running around naked in the woods every summer.

Vigilant citizen have just served up some lovely videos including Alex Jones confronting a very jittery Nixon, Ford, Clinton, Reagan political consultant called David Gergen. Does he look a man who might have been caught on camera doing satanic worship things? Oh yeah, All these presidents attended too.